MEDIA for Faith

Welcome to our media page! We record our sermons as a supplemental tool for your Christian growth. These sermons are something we believe that followers of Jesus can use to help enhance their faith as well as strengthen their knowledge of Scripture. But these videos are not intended to be the only spiritual encounter you have on a weekly basis. We believe the Christian life is best lived in the context of a local church body under the leadership God has placed there. We hope you enjoy the recording of the sermon below and pray that it helps you to continue on a journey of spiritual maturity. 

Our Sunday morning services are live-streamed at 11:00 a.m.  

Recent Featured Message:


Installation of Joshua Sharp 

as Senior Pastor 

February 9, 2025


Enjoy this message from our service this past weekend!

Want To Hear It Again?

We all enjoy going back and listening to sermons that encourage us. Our Media Team of dedicated volunteers maintains a YouTube video archive of sermons and other video messages from the past. Feel free to launch our YouTube channel and browse our archive to enhance your faith by the the reading and teaching of God's Word.