Welcome to

First Baptist Church

         Chappell Hill         

   First Baptist Church

          Chappell Hill

Sunday Mornings

Bible Study Classes @ 9:45 am

Worship Service @ 11:00 am

Welcome to FBC Chappell Hill

A Baptist Church serving Chappell Hill, Brenham, and Washington County, Texas

Thanks for coming to our website.  Please explore using the menu at the top of this home page, or by following any of the connection link buttons below.

What to Expect as Our Guest...

Our Worship Services

In a typical Sunday 11 am worship service here you'll see three main things: praise, prayer, and preaching. Our praise time combines traditional songs with contemporary worship music. Our prayer time allows us to focus on coming before the Lord with our heart concerns. Our preaching is based on the Bible as God's Word for us to understand and apply in our lives. We want you to leave a service knowing how you can apply Scripture to your life that day and throughout the week.

What to wear?  We always expect that Jesus will be here with us, so wear something in which you would be comfortable in His presence.



We have a strong conviction that a church service should be multi-generational, so that children from an early age can be learning what church is like. We do not use a Children's Church model where our children are in a different service while the adults worship.  We do offer nursery care during the service, and there is a "cry room" available where a parent can stay with a distressed child and still see and hear the service in progress. 


Guest Communication

During the service there will be a time when we invite guests to fill out a Communication Card. Filling this out does not mean we will randomly show up at your house uninvited. We can schedule a visit or phone call if you would like. This card is simply a way for us to know you visited today. Please place your completed card in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary or hand it to one of our greeters at the Welcome desk in the foyer.

Welcome Families with Children!

We recognize that that the future of the Christian church lies with our children.  We welcome children of all ages to our Sunday and Wednesday activities, as well as selected special events.  We use structured security measures to keep our children safe and registered with a specific parent or guardian.


Sunday Bible Study

In Sunday Bible Study (Sunday 9:45 am) we divide into age specific groups for a variety of classes. Our children will all have a class that is approporiate for their age. Our youth also have an age-appropriate class, and our adults have several class options from which to choose.



On most Wednesday nights we serve a family meal starting at 5:30 p.m., and our Bible study classes and other Wednesday night activities happen 6:30 - 7:30 pm.


Other activities during the week, some structured for community outreach, can be found on our Events schedule.



Our church administrative office is open most non-holiday weekdays from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm for telephone calls and scheduled visits.  Please contact us using the methods found at the bottom of this and most pages of our website.

Our Mission:



Becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, exploring God’s Word and seeking His Light.

2 Timothy 2:15  --  Psalm 119:105


Loving and supporting one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, in one united loving family.

John 1:12  --  Ephesians 2:19 


Sharing God’s love and life’s journey with

our community, our state, and the world.

John 15:15  --  Matthew 28:19-20

Let's Connect

Join us Sunday mornings for Bible study at 9:30 and Worship service at 11:00.  Bring your children of all ages; let us minister to them in a secure environment.  For answers to all your questions, drop us a note using our connection form:

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